Laser Genesis (Skin Rejuvenation)


Introducing Laser Genesis, a versatile new treatment that combines revolutionary technology with the artistry of skin rejuvenation.

Whether you are seeking to reduce visible signs of ageing, taking a proactive approach to maintain youthful skin or simply wanting to boost your skin’s glow before a big event, Laser Genesis is a gentle, all-in-one solution.

A gentle ‘glow-up’ treatment, Laser Genesis effectively and painlessly:

  • reduces fine lines and wrinkles

  • reduces sun damage, including hyperpigmentation and age spots

  • improves skin tone

  • minimises pore size

  • reduces visibility of scars (including acne scarring, surgical scars or scars from past injuries)

  • calms redness and rosacea

  • restores your skin’s natural radiance, glow and vitality

With no downtime, it is a popular pre-event treatment that will leave your skin looking and feeling more vibrant.

The results will build after each session. The practitioners we support tend to recommend 3 to 6 sessions for optimal results. But you should nevertheless see subtle yet visible results after one treatment.

Your needs will be assessed and your treatment plan customised by your practitioner before your treatment.

See the Cosmetic Treatment Menu for a list of other cosmetic treatments provided by your practitioner operating from the Benowa clinic

  • Laser Genesis is an advanced non-invasive cosmetic procedure that harnesses the power of laser technology to rejuvenate your skin from the inside out.

    Using a precise wavelength of light, it gently heats the deeper layers of your skin, stimulating collagen production and promoting cellular regeneration. This results in a range of remarkable benefits, including improved skin tone, reduced wrinkles, diminished pore size, and a more youthful and vibrant appearance.

  • Laser Genesis is a true skin rejuvenation multi-tasker.

    This versatile treatment caters to a wide range of occasions, concerns, and skin types. Whether you're preparing for a special event, getting ready for your wedding day, or simply looking to address specific skin concerns, Laser Genesis is an all-round high achiever.

    Here are some of the occasions, reasons, and concerns for which Laser Genesis is commonly used:

    • Pre-Event Glow: Step into the limelight with confidence by giving your skin a radiant boost before a significant event or social gathering. Laser Genesis can help you achieve a fresh, more youthful complexion.

    • Wedding-Day Radiance: On your wedding day, all eyes will be on you. Laser Genesis can minimise the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and pigmentation, ensuring that you walk down the aisle with beautiful, glowing skin.

    • Scar Reduction: Whether you have acne scars, surgical scars or scars from past injuries, Laser Genesis can effectively reduce their visibility and improve the overall texture and tone of your skin.

    • Sun Damage Repair: If prolonged sun exposure has left your skin with sunspots, freckles or uneven pigmentation, Laser Genesis can help restore a more even, youthful complexion.

    • Fine Lines and Wrinkles: Combat the signs of ageing by stimulating collagen production with Laser Genesis. This non-invasive treatment can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, leaving your skin smoother and more youthful.

    • Enlarged Pores: Laser Genesis can help tighten and refine your pores, giving you a smoother, more refined complexion.

    • Redness and Rosacea: Laser Genesis targets diffused redness and helps alleviate the symptoms of rosacea. Say goodbye to red, flushed skin and hello to a more even, calmer complexion.

    • Overall Skin Rejuvenation: Even if you don't have specific concerns, Laser Genesis can provide an overall skin refresh. It stimulates collagen production, improves skin texture, and enhances the overall quality of your skin, giving you a radiant and healthy glow.

    No matter the occasion or concern, Laser Genesis offers a comprehensive solution for achieving your desired skin transformation. With its remarkable versatility and effectiveness, this advanced treatment can address a multitude of skin issues and help you reveal a more youthful, vibrant, and confident version of yourself.

  • Laser Genesis is a safe and effective treatment for both men and women of various skin types and tones. It is also suitable for teenagers seeking to treat acne scarring.

    It is particularly well-suited for individuals who wish to improve the overall quality of their skin or address specific concerns mentioned above.

    During a consultation with your experienced practitioner, they will assess your skin condition, discuss your goals, and determine if Laser Genesis is the ideal solution for you.

  • Prior to the procedure, your practitioner will ensure your comfort and answer any questions you may have. During the treatment, a handheld device will be gently moved over your skin, emitting the laser energy in controlled pulses.

    You may experience a gentle, warming sensation, sometimes described as warm rain drops on your skin.

    Laser Genesis is a gentle and comfortable procedure that is well-tolerated and does not require any topical anesthesia. Sessions are relatively quick, and you can resume your regular activities immediately afterward.

  • The number of Laser Genesis treatments required depends on your specific skin concerns and goals.

    The results will build after each session. You will see subtle yet visible results after one treatment, hence why it is a great pre-event treatment to achieve a healthy glow.

    The practitioners we support tend to recommend 3 to 6 sessions for optimal results.

    The practitioners we support will assess your needs and create a customised treatment plan for you.

  • No, Laser Genesis is a non-invasive treatment that requires no downtime. You may experience slight redness, which will subside within a short period.

    Often referred to as a lunchtime laser, it is a relatively fast treatment ensuring you can fit it into your busy schedule with ease. No downtime means you can return to your daily activities immediately after your session.

  • We recommend avoiding sun exposure for at least 2 weeks before your treatment, as well as discontinuing the use of any topical products containing retinoids or exfoliants for a few days prior.

    Please come to your treatment with no makeup on.

  • Expertise and care: Your Dermatologist, Registered Nurse or Laser Technician are dedicated to providing the highest level of care and expertise throughout your Laser Genesis experience. Your comfort, well-being and satisfaction are prioritised ensuring you feel confident and at ease every step of the way.

    State-of-the-art technology: The practitioners we support utilise the renowned Cutera Laser Genesis system, as well as a suite of other state-of-the-art lasers and laser-like devices. With this cutting-edge technology at their disposal, they deliver exceptional results for their patients.

    Results you deserve with personalised treatment plans: We understand that each individual's skin is unique. That's why your experienced practitioner will tailor your treatment plan to your specific needs and goals. During a thorough consultation, your practitioner will assess your skin condition and design a customised plan ensuring you achieve the desired outcome, which may include combining Laser Genesis with additional treatments. A combined treatment approach often yields the most significant benefits.

  • The cost of the treatment may vary depending on your ultimate treatment plan, including whether you choose Laser Genesis in combination with another treatment or as a stand-alone treatment.

    Below are the standard prices charged by the practitioners we support:

    Full Face Rejuvenation $350 | Add On $150

    See the Cosmetic Treatment Menu for a list of other cosmetic services provided by the practitioners we support at our Benowa and Chevron Island clinics.

  • To schedule your Laser Genesis treatment or to learn more about this transformative procedure, contact us today by calling (07) 5597 7170 or emailing