Chemical Peels

A chemical peel involves the application of a chemical solution to the skin. This causes the controlled shedding of the top layers, revealing fresh skin of even colour and tone below. Chemical peels can be used to treat a variety of problems in dermatology including sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles, irregular pigment and mild scarring. Chemical peels are classified based in the depth of penetration into the skin and include superficial, medium and deep peels. Deep peels have been largely replaced by the use of lasers. Most peels are well tolerated and depending on the depth heal within a few days to a week. Some people require only one treatment and others benefit from a series of peels. T

The Skin Centre offers a range of peels through our sister derma-spa. These include traditional salicylic acid peels through to newer fruit acid based offerings. Click here to see their full menu of services and call (07) 55510888 for an obligation free discussion of your needs.

The Skin Centre